Jessica L. duDomaine


Jessica duDomaine focuses her practice in the area of litigation, particularly in professional liability, including long-term care and physician malpractice actions. Ms. duDomaine also works with the toxic tort team and has a unique focus in defending respiratory and other injury claims related to chemical exposure. Ms. duDomaine has defended product liability cases in a variety of industries including transportation, distribution, and manufacturing. Ms. duDomaine has tried cases to verdict in state and federal courts in West Virginia, as well as represented clients at administrative hearings in both West Virginia and Kentucky.

Representative Experience

  • Defended major Class I railroads in a variety of occupational injury cases including allegations of toxic exposure to chemicals
  • Acted as liaison counsel for a defense group comprising more than twenty defendants in a toxic exposure case
  • Defended hotels and other businesses in premises liability actions alleging failure to maintain premises and insufficient security measures
  • Worked with experts to develop general and specific causation defenses grounded upon evidence-based science
  • Defended doctors and long-term care facilities in medical malpractice actions
  • Defended chemical suppliers and premises owners in cases involving allegations of toxic exposure
  • Defended companies in product liability cases involving allegations of defective products and warnings
  • Has jury trial, bench trial, and administrative hearing experience

Licensed In

  • Kentucky
  • Ohio
  • West Virginia


  • J.D. West Virginia University College of Law
  • B.A. West Virginia University


  • Kappa Tau Alpha, National Society in Journalism & Mass Communication
  • Defense Research Institute
  • Energy & Mineral Law Foundation
  • Defense Trial Counsel of West Virginia
  • Cabell County Bar Association

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