Keeleigh Scarlett Huffman
In Keeleigh’s practice, she seeks harmony in economic and environmental outcomes. Engagement with industry and power generation stakeholders is a cornerstone of Keeleigh’s practice, along with focusing on a collaborative approach to navigating compliance with federal environmental regulations, raising concerns of the regulated community in public comment periods, and litigating those where necessary to protect the interests of the domestic economy and electric grid.
Keeleigh represents clients in appeals of federal rulemaking relating to air quality in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and applications for emergency stay in front of the Supreme Court of the United States. Most recently, Keeleigh represented two applicants for emergency stay of EPA’s Good Neighbor Plan, where the Supreme Court decided 5-4 to grant the requested stay (see Ohio v. Environmental Protection Agency, 603 U.S. ___ (2024)).
Keeleigh’s unique experience in blending technical and legal arguments supports her advocacy of clients in both amici and petitioner roles in regulatory appellate matters across various United States Courts of Appeals. She believes this ensures that she zealously advocates for clients and presents the clearest picture to the courts.
While much of experience is focused on Clean Air Act appellate issues, Keeleigh also works on issues relating to water, wastewater, hazardous materials, emerging contaminants, and environmental due diligence.