Lacy concentrates her practice on energy contracts and assists businesses with corporate matters.
As a former Steptoe & Johnson Summer Associate, she drafted motions for summary judgment and conducted research on various legal areas including environmental law. Lacy has outlined questions for expert witness depositions and drafted memorandums for interpreting criminal, environmental, and administrative statutes and regulations.
Lacy deeply cares about the well-being of her community and previously served as a mental health specialist at WVU Medicine’s Chestnut Ridge Center. This experience helped her gain a deeper understanding of human thought patterns and behaviors, which is a versatile skillset she uses in her work.
In her final year of law school, Lacy worked at the WVU College of Law Child and Family Advocacy Clinic where she drafted documents, advised and represented clients in proceedings, and examined witnesses during hearings. Lacy also had the opportunity to study international law involving environmental and human rights in Switzerland during law school.