Peter J. Raupp


Peter Raupp focuses his litigation practice in the areas of commercial litigation, general litigation, professional liability, civil rights, and appellate law.

Representative Experience

  • Defended financial institutions and retailers in commercial litigation, including actions asserted under the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act
  • Prosecuted claims on behalf of coal mining client in dispute involving unlawful trespass and damage to property
  • Defended client against claims of contamination of residential water supply before the Surface Mine Board and Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia
  • Represented client in negotiating resolution to dispute involving placement and capping of oil wells
  • Defended client against claims of mining related subsidence
  • Defended energy clients in civil litigation against claims of wrongful death, deliberate intent, and personal injury
  • Represented client in mass litigation action involving carbon monoxide exposure
  • Defended police officer in jury trial involving claims of excessive force and false arrest
  • Represented banking client in a case alleging violations of a lease termination agreement
  • Defended company accused of conspiring to misuse trade secrets of competitor
  • Represented insurance agency seeking to prohibit former employees from using confidential information and violating employment contracts
  • Assisted on appeal of case involving allegations of gender and age discrimination on behalf of manufacturer

Licensed In

  • West Virginia
  • Virginia


  • J.D. William & Mary Law School
  • B.A. William & Mary


  • William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review


  • Super Lawyers® Rising Star

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