2024 Council of Independent Colleges Institute for Chief Academic Officers

In-Person Event
Steptoe & Johnson Sponsored Event

November 1-4, 2024

Steptoe & Johnson is sponsoring CIC’s 2024 Institute for Chief Academic Officers. Chief academic officers and their teams collaborate at a deeper level and program for a stronger future. Participants will delve into topics that frame a renewed paradigm for academic leadership.

The theme of this year’s Institute is Academic Leadership Now & Next and will focus on building alliances, creating innovative academic pathways, and unlocking the potential of education for more students. Participants will re-energize themselves by highlighting their good work and its enduring value; interrogate ways to sustain their institutions and themselves in a time of disruptive change; reaffirm the power of academic leadership while also evaluating its current state; and learn about ways to make teams more inclusively excellent, adaptable, and forward looking.

CIC has planned concurrent sessions that bring the Institute’s themes and objectives together, as well as interactive seminars that focus on artificial intelligence, bridging the academic mission and the marketplace, prison education, and executive coaching to sustain energy and passion. A new addition to this year’s program is a pre-Institute workshop for deans and associate provosts to complement the workshops for new chief academic officers and those in their third and fourth years.


November 1 – 4, 2024

Hilton Portland Downtown
9210 SW 6th Ave.
Portland, Oregon


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