Municipal Wastewater Utilities and COVID-19: Being Proactive During a Pandemic

By: Richard L. Lewis, Marissa G. Nortz, Marc C. Bryson, Edward L. Kropp

Published: March 19, 2020

While the threat of contamination through exposure to wastewater is unlikely, there are additional steps municipal wastewater utilities can implement to not only protect its personnel and the users it serves, but to also contribute to the ongoing efforts to stop the spread of this deadly outbreak.

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC’s environmental team recommends the following actions for municipal wastewater utilities in response to COVID-19:

While municipal wastewater utilities are not at the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak, utility personnel and customers are, and utilities should act now to help prevent the spread of this virus and ensure the public that the utility is taking appropriate steps in light of this worldwide pandemic.

Steptoe & Johnson is here to help utilities navigate COVID-19. Should you need assistance in preparing utility actions in response to COVID-19, or should you have any additional questions or concerns as to what you should be doing during this time, please reach out to one of the authors of this alert.

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