Proposition 112 Does Not Pass in Colorado

By: Brent D. Chicken

Published: November 7, 2018

Colorado voted “No” on Proposition 112 which would have required 2,500-foot setbacks between any new oil and gas developments and any “occupied structure” or “vulnerable area.” The count with 83% of precincts reporting is at 56.8% against and 43.2% for. Since the initiative did not pass, the existing setbacks will remain 500 feet from occupied buildings and 1,000 feet from high-occupancy buildings.

While the setback provision did not pass this midterm, the next vote will be in only two years, and another similar ballot initiative may be likely. The oil and gas and related industries need continued investment in public education on the positive impacts of the energy industry.

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC is continuing to research and stay on top of these issues. If you have any questions about Proposition 112, please contact one of the authors listed below.

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