Tell Me Somethin’ Good

Published: April 16, 2020

According to Oil & Gas 360’s article originally from CNBC entitled, Oil prices may now be at a bottom after historic OPEC deal, US energy secretary says, “[o]il prices are down more than 55% year-to-date, having experienced the worst price plunges in nearly two decades in the face of record supply, disappearing storage space and global demand eviscerated by coronavirus lockdowns around the world.”

I don’t know about you, but I could use some good news in the energy sector right now. I would take any good news right now, actually. Enter today’s blog – Tell me Somethin’ Good.

Here is some good news from the energy sector, from electricity to mining, and oil and gas – there is a lot of good happening out there that we can focus on:

Here is my favorite news article – trust me, it is worth the read:

Even though the energy sector has been hit hard by the coronavirus, it is doing amazing things to help others. Try not to get too bogged down by the bad news, troubling statistics and overall anxiety-inducing situation – focus on the good!

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