Dallas, TX

P: (214) 251-8005

500 North Akard Street, Suite 3200
Dallas, TX 75201

About our Office

The Dallas, Texas office opened in 2021 as part of the firm’s largest geographic expansion to date, with the Collin County and San Antonio offices opening concurrently. In April 2022, the Dallas office moved into its newly constructed office on the 32nd floor of Ross Tower in downtown Dallas.

The Dallas office prides itself on strong connections to the local business community and civic organizations. Dallas team members generously give their time and energy to a variety of non-profit organizations, like the Bridge Breast Network, the Recovery Resource Council, and Operation Turkey, that serve the Dallas area as well as professional and trade organizations across all industries. As the Dallas office continues to grow, it will no doubt continue to put a “Texas twist” on everything it does.

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