Mineral Title & Due Diligence Services


Steptoe & Johnson’s mineral title services now provide mineral title, due diligence, and Division Order Title Opinions (DOTOs) to all major producing oil and gas basins in the United States. At Steptoe & Johnson, our business model is built upon long-term relationships. Our team prides itself on meeting today’s goals while considering the implications of our actions today on your company’s success in the future.

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  • More than 50 attorneys cross-trained to understand title in multiple states and basins
  • 70 in-house abstractors and landmen available to abstract and build runsheets in county record rooms in all supported basins
  • Capacity to undertake major mineral title, DOTO, and due diligence projects prepared by a dedicated team of professionals
  • Dependable performance throughout all major basins


  • Digital abstracts and opinions
  • Workflow processes coordinating work across all offices
  • Digital enhancement technology
  • Utilization of Quorum Land Management Solutions
  • Online client file progress monitoring
  • Turnkey title solutions, from abstracting to final opinion
  • Land administration services

Representative Experience

  • Managed and coordinated efforts of a team of attorneys conducting due diligence in conjunction with a number of acquisitions in Texas, including one involving more than 100,000 gross acres and 200 producing units
  • Led due diligence teams responsible for issuing mineral title opinions for both held by production and newly leased acreage totaling over 100,000 acres in Ohio and Pennsylvania
  • Represented an oil and gas exploration company in the due diligence portions of a $5 million lending transaction secured by oil and gas leasehold interests in Colorado
  • Represented an oil and gas exploration company in the due diligence portions of an $81 million acquisition of oil and gas leasehold interests covering fee and federal lands in central Wyoming
  • Prepared drilling title opinions and division order title opinions throughout the SCOOP, STACK, and Arkoma basins
  • Managed operations and provided legal analysis related to oil and gas title and property holdings in West Virginia and central Pennsylvania for the land resources department of a Fortune 500 energy company
  • Performed, managed, and coordinated due diligence projects for multiple oil and gas development companies including projects with estimated values of over two billion dollars
  • Represented multiple oil and gas exploration companies in the preparation and/or review of hundreds of drilling and division order title opinions, acquisition opinions, ownership opinions, title reports, etc. covering fee, state, federal and tribal lands in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, Utah and Wyoming

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