Strategic Technology & E-Discovery Methods


The Strategic Technology & E-Discovery Methods (STEM) Team recognizes the value of using technology to expedite document collection and review while controlling costs and has established best practices for efficient data collection and processing.

Our approach is to arm each trial team with the knowledge and resources needed to manage the matter’s e-discovery requirements in the most flexible, effective, and efficient manner rather than segregate e-discovery into a function performed by lawyers and paralegals handling only the e-discovery side of a matter.

The team’s litigation experience provides the foundation for counseling that we provide when helping clients develop appropriate practices and policies for ESI retention, preservation, and collection.



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Representative Experience

  • Review and analysis of approximately 12 million pages for relevance and jurisdiction in an insurance class action
  • Review and analysis of 2.2 million documents for responsiveness and privilege in a defective product class action
  • Review and analysis of 300,000 documents for responsiveness and privilege in an environmental cleanup dispute


  • Drafting ESI preservation and legal hold notices and discovery plans
  • Shepherding data through the discovery process from collection through processing, review, and production
  • Creating and maintaining virtual data rooms for M&A and divestiture projects
  • Drafting and performing title work and filings for indentures

Areas of Focus

  • Focus – specially trained attorneys and paralegals concentrating on one thing – your data
  • Speed – on average, 50% faster than conventional methods
  • Experience – attorneys and paralegals with backgrounds in serial litigation and complex transactions for numerous industries
  • Cost savings – lead litigators and corporate attorneys are free to strategize and litigate

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